Pig production encompasses various types or systems, each with distinct methods and goals tailored to different aspects of pig farming. Here are some common types:
Intensive Confinement or Indoor Production:
Farrow-to-Finish: Involves all stages of pig production, from breeding and farrowing to raising piglets and finishing them for market, all within confined facilities.
Finishing Units: Focused solely on raising pigs from weaning to market weight in indoor barns or facilities.
Breeding Units: Centers on breeding sows and boars, often in climate-controlled facilities, with piglets typically sold to grow-out farms.
Outdoor or Pasture-Based Production:
Free-Range or Pasture-Raised: Pigs raised outdoors with access to pasture or outdoor areas for foraging and exercise.
Organic Production: Pigs raised according to organic farming standards, often with outdoor access, organic feed, and limited use of antibiotics or synthetic substances.
Specialized Production Systems:
Feeder Pig Production: Focused on producing young pigs or feeder pigs to sell to finishing farms.
Breeding Stock Production: Centers on breeding and selling high-quality breeding stock or genetics to other pig producers.
Research Farms: Facilities dedicated to conducting research on pig genetics, nutrition, health, and production practices.
Integrated or Multi-Stage Systems:
Integrated Farming: Incorporates multiple stages of pig production within the same operation, such as combining farrowing, growing, and finishing units.
Small-Scale or Backyard Production:
Backyard Farms: Smaller-scale pig production often for personal consumption or local markets, commonly found in rural or family-owned settings.
Each type of pig production system has its advantages and considerations in terms of efficiency, animal welfare, environmental impact, and economic viability. Factors such as space availability, market demand, regulatory requirements, and producer goals influence the choice of production systems in pig farming.