Poultry Production Breeds

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Poultry Breeds Based on Purposes

Poultry breeds are often categorized based on their primary purposes, which could be egg production, meat production, or dual-purpose (suitable for both eggs and meat). Here are some breeds categorized by purpose:

Egg Production:

Leghorn: Excellent white-egg layers known for their high egg production and relatively smaller body size.

Ancona: Good egg layers with a tendency to lay spotted eggs.

Australorp: Dual-purpose but also known for consistent egg production, especially in winter months.

Rhode Island Red: Dual-purpose birds that lay brown eggs consistently.

Barred Plymouth Rock: Known for both egg laying and meat production, producing brown eggs.

Meat Production:

Cornish Cross: Specifically bred for rapid growth and efficient meat production, commonly used in the broiler industry.

Jubilee Orpington: A heritage breed suitable for meat production due to its size and meat quality.

Cornish: Renowned for its meat qualities, often used in crossbreeding for commercial meat production.

Dual-Purpose (Meat and Eggs):

Plymouth Rock: Known for both meat and egg production, with good meat quality and decent egg-laying abilities.

Wyandotte: Dual-purpose birds known for their attractive appearance, good egg production, and suitable meat characteristics.

Sussex: Known for both eggs and meat, with excellent foraging abilities and good meat quality.

Heritage or Rare Breeds:

Brahma: Known for their large size, feathered feet, and gentle disposition, suitable for both meat and eggs.

Orpington: Dual-purpose breed with a gentle temperament, good for both eggs and meat.

Dorking: Renowned for their meat quality, especially the tenderness of their flesh, though they also lay eggs.